5 Reasons Entrepreneurs Should Have an SSL Certificate

By John Boitnott John Boitnott has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team
Published on March 8, 2023

Small business owners know how important it is to have a website that looks professional and trustworthy. However, many don’t realize the importance of an SSL certificate, what it’s there for, and what it can do for your business.

What is an SSL Certificate?

An SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate is a digital certificate that gives encryption for sensitive information exchanged between a website and its visitors. This means that any data, such as passwords or credit card numbers, is protected from hackers and other malicious actors. Having an SSL certificate is especially important for small businesses, as they may not have the resources to handle a data breach.

1. SSL Certificates Offer Security

Security is a top concern for any business that collects and stores customer data. Without adequate protection, sensitive information like credit card numbers, passwords, and other personal details can be vulnerable to hackers and cybercriminals. This is where an SSL certificate comes in.

SSL certificates bring a secure, encrypted connection between a website and visitors. This means any data transmitted between them is protected from interception and manipulation. Even if a hacker manages to get hold of the data, they won’t be able to read or understand it, making it useless to them.

In addition to encrypting data, SSL certificates also provide authentication. This means visitors can be confident they’re communicating with the correct website and not a fake or phishing site. They use a process called “domain validation” to verify that the site being visited is legitimate, providing an extra layer of security. By implementing an SSL, you’re showing your commitment to keeping customer info safe. It also helps protect the business from potential legal action or financial loss due to a data breach.

2. SSLs Show People Can Trust Your Business 

Trust is a crucial element for any business, but it’s particularly important for startups building their brand reputation. Customers need to feel confident that their personal information is safe when they shop online, and having an SSL certificate is one of the easiest ways to provide this assurance.

When visitors see the padlock icon and “https” in their browser bar, they know that the website they’re visiting is secure. They can rest assured that any sensitive information they give, like credit card details or contact info, will be encrypted and kept confidential. This can increase confidence in your business and make people more likely to buy something or even recommend you to friends.

Without an SSL certificate, customers may shy away from giving any personal information. Many web browsers even display warnings when users visit websites that don’t have an one, which can scare customers away. That means lost sales and reputation damage.

3. SSLs Improve SEO 

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an essential component of any digital marketing strategy. A key factor in SEO is user experience, which includes factors like page load speed and security. Google has stated that having an SSL certificate can give websites a ranking boost in search results.

In fact, Google now marks sites without SSL certificates as “Not Secure” in the URL bar, which may stop users from clicking through to a site. As you can imagine, this is bad for traffic and your bottom line. Having an SSL certificate may improve your website’s click-through rate (CTR) because people know their info is safe and the site is trustworthy. That, in turn, leads to more conversions.

4. You May Need an SSL Certificate for Compliance

Compliance is another critical reason why entrepreneurs should prioritize getting an SSL certificate for their websites. Various regulations and industry standards, such as the GDPR and PCI-DSS, require businesses to implement security measures to protect sensitive data.

The GDPR regulates data protection and privacy for citizens of the European Union and requires websites that collect or store personal data to have appropriate security measures in place. This includes the use of SSL certificates to encrypt data in transit.

Similarly, the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) requires sites that accept credit card payments to have an SSL certificate to ensure that all transactions are encrypted and secure.

Failure to comply with these regulations can result in significant fines or damage to your business’s reputation. By investing in an SSL certificate, you can demonstrate your commitment to compliance and protect your business from potential legal action or financial loss.

5. SSLs Save You Money

One concern that small business owners may have about executing an SSL certificate is the cost. However, that’s often relatively low and can vary depending on the level of validation required.

In some cases, website hosting companies may offer free SSL certificates as part of their hosting package. Additionally, many SSL certificate providers offer different levels of validation, with Domain Validated (DV) certificates being the least expensive option.

While there may be some upfront costs associated with purchasing and installing an SSL certificate, the potential cost of a data breach or non-compliance can be far greater. It’s a small price to pay for the peace of mind and security it offers. 

SSLs are Vital for Business

Having an SSL certificate is a small business essential. It provides security, builds trust with your customers, improves your search engine rankings, ensures compliance with regulations, and ultimately protects your business from potential harm. SSL certificates are an investment in the reputation and trust of your business, which leads to more conversions and revenue. Don’t wait any longer – prioritize getting an SSL certificate for your website today.

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By John Boitnott John Boitnott has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

Journalist verified by Muck Rack verified

John Boitnott is a reporter at Grit Daily on From the Ground Up and Grit Daily's Daily Update. He is a journalist and digital strategist who has worked at TV, print, radio and Internet companies for almost 25 years. As a professional writer with a background in the newsroom, he's advised and created content for a wide variety of companies and publishers, helping them build their popularity. He has also written for Entrepreneur, Motley Fool, Inc., BusinessInsider, Fortune, NBC, Fast Company, USA Today and Venturebeat.

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