13 Insightful Ways to Make Your Startup Team More Productive

By Grit Daily Staff Grit Daily Staff has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team
Published on August 25, 2021

Decreases in startup team productivity are common. People tend to lose motivation, and at the same time, team morale can decline. Unfortunately,  entrepreneurship  procedures do not work in the same way, you need to maintain a certain level of company productivity all the time. There are many problems that hinder our efficiency, from simple distractions to misdirected tasks. This can be a real problem, and research suggests. 

Team members who experience burnout are 63% more likely to take sick leave. And another 76% of employees experience burnout at least once. You can take this for granted by relying on team members doing monotonous work for weeks on end, or you can encourage your employees to be productive.

13 ways to increase team’s productivity

1. Don’t waste time

You may not realize it, but we spend a lot of time opening and closing applications, collecting, editing and sending emails and other small tasks. Using a single, centralized platform minimizes the urge to check social media.

2. Give realistic deadlines for completing tasks

Consider the real time that the team spends on various tasks and, depending on this, form the time frame. This approach will help you avoid procrastination and make your work more efficient. It often happens that, having a set long-term deadline for completing a task, employees delay work or put it off until later.

3. Rest during the working day

Offer to go out to lunch, have a coffee, or just go for a 15-minute walk when you feel the quality of your work starts to decline. This approach will give you a sense of lightness and balance your emotions. You can also experiment with group meditations when the team can’t handle the stress. First, such practices reduce stress levels. Secondly, meditation increases the ability to memorize a large amount of information and concentrates attention on work.

4. Take care of building good relationships

An effective method for building good relationships is to encourage employees to help each other or to share work when someone has many tasks. You should not organize many business meetings, which are often unnecessary and unproductive. However, keep your employees up to date so they feel like they are part of the team.

5. Trust is the foundation of a strong relationship

Unlike in the office, on a remote team, it is more difficult to check when everyone starts and finishes work. As a result, the Great Daily’s founders cannot control their employees. However, they should try to trust them. Having a certain deadline, employees can extend the time to complete the task, but the main thing is that the work is completed on time.

6. Remember to create a sense of importance

Each team member plays a key role, and yet employees can feel like cogs in the car. Individual groups may abandon teamwork and begin to view work as an endless list of tasks, rather than as pursuing a common goal. Make it clear that they are not like a squirrel in a wheel, but an important member of the team.

7. Lack of a sense of responsibility

Teams perform best when they can organize and schedule tasks, such as keeping track of times or due dates. If the employee does not have any responsibilities during the implementation of the project, their frustration can increase. Strengthening a sense of responsibility will help everyone achieve optimal results.

8. Communication is the foundation

No matter where and what your business is working on, everyone should be in touch. Maintaining contact will also keep employees committed and is key to building relationships between employees in other departments. Forced communication leads to the formation of conflicts and negatively affects productivity.

9. Review your progress every day

The productivity of the project manager is inextricably linked to the productivity of the entire team. With team feedback, you can wait until the project is completed or do it on a regular basis. In other words, manage your team by providing a good example, not by lecture.

10. Try to anticipate potential conflicts

Conflicts are an integral part of leading a project team, although finding the best solutions for them can be very tedious. Therefore, it is best to prevent conflicts where possible. Then, even if a conflict arises, you can minimize its negative consequences.

Encourage employees to compete healthy

Creating a top tier ranking can encourage team members to compete in a healthy way. You, on the other hand, will gain insight into how individual teams and employees work. At the end of the month, you can reward the best performers and have one-on-one interviews with those who have underperformed.

Instead of telling employees that they did not perform well, let them know that you have more expectations of them, or remember that next month you plan to introduce awards for the best performance.

To make it easier, create an environment where team members can share their thoughts. But remember, this is not only a place to complain. Encourage all parties to understand the problems and seek solutions to them.

Please note that all communication within the company carried out in writing must be competent if you want to maintain a positive image in the eyes of employees. To avoid unwanted typos, use your convenient Ivory Research content service. This will allow you to remain a reliable mentor for your team members.

Suggest standing tables

Standing desks have become one of the most powerful innovations in the corporate world and have become quite popular lately. A study by the NHS found that companies that made the transition from sitting to standing during the workday reported that workers were much better at performing their daily tasks and had less discomfort.

This process of work has many advantages, for example, it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, improves mood, lowers blood sugar levels, fights obesity, and provides an influx of positive energy.

Check the effectiveness

There is always room for growth, so it is important to explore the potential of your current workflow. Also, don’t forget about aspects that you can tweak a little to increase productivity without sacrificing comfort or too many resources.


Improving the performance of the team is not an easy task. However, with observation and a sense of empathy, you can definitely do this. Respect the time and work of your employees, give them more authority and rest. This will help create a more productive and motivated team.

By Grit Daily Staff Grit Daily Staff has been verified by Muck Rack's editorial team

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